

 = a difficult swimming-stroke to swim or impractical
 = means that this swimming-stroke never descripted clearly
 = the rating of the swimming-stroke (a rating of 8 is good to swim)
    PS: Swimming-strokes are derived based on their visual resemblance.





This swimming-stroke looks like the double short Trudgeon but the combination of the arms and legs is long and the gliding-phase is short on the side. This swimming-stroke got a 6 but the author of this website gives it a 7,5.


Looks like the double long Trudgeon and the legs are making two scissor-kicks (one on each side) both followed by a crawl-kick.


This Japanese swimming-stroke looks like the double Long Trudgeon. The only difference is that the legs do a noshi-kick instead of a wide scissor-kick, just with the hitoe-noshi and the morote-noshi.


This swimming-stroke looks like the double long Trudgeon except that the legs make two closed scissor-kicks. You can choose from two different combinations of the arms and legs: long or short.


Copyright © Stefan de Best