

 = a difficult swimming-stroke to swim or impractical
 = means that this swimming-stroke never descripted clearly
 = the rating of the swimming-stroke (a rating of 8 is good to swim)
    PS: Swimming-strokes are derived based on their visual resemblance.





Looks like the sidestroke where the body position is straight on the side. The arms make a single overarmstroke where the trailing arm makes a full pull-through and the leading arm a half pull-through. The legstroke is a closed scissor-kick and the combination of the arms and legs is long.


This swimming-stroke has the following properties:

  • The body position is straight on the side.
  • The legstroke is a closed scissor-kick.
  • The combination of the arms and legs is semi-long.
  • The leading arm makes a half pull-through.
  • The trailing arm is pulled over just like with the overarm sidestroke but only until it reaches the neck.


This swimming-stroke looks like the overarm sidestroke. The only difference is the legstroke because the legs make a closed inverted scissor-kick instead of a normal closed scissor-kick.


Looks like the overarm sidestroke. The trailing arm, however, makes a horizontal pull-through and the legs are not pulled in fully as with the normal overarm sidestroke


Looks like the overarm sidestroke but with a different scissor-kick. The combination of the arms and legs is long.

Three phases of the legstroke of the single overarm-stroke of Droemer.


This swimming-stroke has the following properties:

  • The combination of the arms and legs is almost long.
  • The leading arm makes a wide half pull-through.
  • The lower leg is pulled-in far less than usual.


Looks like the overarm sidestroke but with a very different (inverted) scissor-kick.


This swimming-stroke looks like the overarm sidestroke. However, an extra legstroke is added during the pull-over of the trailing arm. Below you can see which combinations of the legstroke are possible:

  • with two normal closed scissor-kicks,
  • with two closed inverted scissor-kicks,
  • first with a normal closed scissor-kick followed by an inverted scissor-kick,
  • first with an inverted scissor-kick followed by a normal scissor-kick.


Copyright © Stefan de Best