

 = a difficult swimming-stroke to swim or impractical
 = means that this swimming-stroke never descripted clearly
 = the rating of the swimming-stroke (a rating of 8 is good to swim)
    PS: Swimming-strokes are derived based on their visual resemblance.





This swimming-stroke looks like the long Northern kick. The body position is on the side (90°). The arms do a single overarmstroke where the trailing arm and the leading arm are fully pulled through.

The legstroke is a wide scissor-kick and the combination of the arm en legs is short. With this swimming-stroke there is hardly no gliding-phase.


After the legs are closed the top-leg makes an additional movement and is the same as the movement of the lower-leg which is done previously.


The legstroke differs from the obsolete swimming-stroke of Moebs, namely a wide scissor-kick. In fact, even wider than the wide scissor-kick which is discussed on this website. Let say an ultra wide scissor-kick. Compared with the short Northern kick this swimming-stroke does have more differences:

  • The leading arm is pulled through half.
  • The combination of the arms and legs is semi-short.


The armstrokes and legstroke of this swimming-stroke are all made seperate from each other. First the leading arm is pulled through and brought above the head. When the leading arm is at the starting point again, the legstroke is done. Finally, the trailing arm is pulled over, pulled through and brought back to the starting position.

In short, the cycle of the arms and the legs are all done seperatly.


This swimming-stroke looks like the short Northern kick with the only difference that an ultra wide scissor-kick is made with almost stretched legs.

Click here to see a graphical representation of this swimming-stroke...


This swimming-stroke looks like the short Northern kick where the leading arm is making a half pull-through. The legstroke is a narrow scissor-kick and the combination of the arms and legs is semi-short.


This swimming-stroke look also like the short Northern kick. Both the leading arm and the trailing arm makes a wide half pull-through .

A drawing with a glove from the book of Sinclair.

A nice drawing of the legstroke from the book of Sinclair and Henry.

This swimming-stroke has the following properties :
  • The trailing arm is partially pulled through.
  • The leading arm makes a full pull-through.
  • The combination of the arms and legs is semi-short.
  • There is no gliding-phase.


Copyright © Stefan de Best